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Chain Pipe/Anchor Rode Storage   Total Page Hits: 2110

Post Type: Technical/Project

Boat Part: Bow/Bow Pulpit

Date Modified: 04/19/2024 6:26 PM


I wanted to get the anchor rode out of the way and neatly stowed below but was unhappy with the conventional deck pipes available. None f them look like they would be very watertight. So I made a couple of chain pipes for both the bow and stern out of PVC pipe couplings with slip on caps. They are not traditional but don’t look out of place after painting them the same color as the deck. I did this on my previous boat as well and it had not leaked a drop in over 30 years!

After cutting the hole in the deck with a hole saw, I was careful to seal the edges and the balsa core with epoxy. (Not necessary for the stern pipe in the cockpit coaming top as it is not cored.) I flame treated the PVC fitting for a good bond before epoxying it in place with G-flex. Additionally, I caulked it above decks with 3M 4200.

I did this the winter before last and just let the chain and rode fall into a plastic tub sitting on the V-berth cushions. I used it this way for a while but decided I wanted to get it it all out of the way and stowed as low as possible. So that was this winter’s project.

I first cut a 2” hole in the V-berth deck directly below the deck pipe so the chain could fall directly down into the bilge. This was located right where the V-berth cushions meet. The chain goes between them, allowing the cushions to lay flat. While the chain would drop straight down I knew that the nylon rode would not. So I cut a small hatch type opening around the hole for better access, keeping the cut out portion as a lid. I made a keyhole slot in this lid so it can be removed or replaced without having to thread the chain through the hole.

I put a hook way up in the forepeak to hold the rode out of the way when using the berth for sleeping.

This deck pipe arrangement worked so well for the bow anchor I decided to make one for the stern anchor. I chose the starboard cockpit coaming for the deck pipe it leads down to otherwise wasted open space just aft of the quarter berth. Plenty of room down there. I have not walled any of it off yet, right now it doesn’t seem necessary. I’ll try it out this season and modify if needed.


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