Another Wrinkle Total Page Hits: 5751
Boat Type: Montgomery 15
Boat Owner: PJ,Mraz
Hull Number: 616
Home Port: White Mills, KY
General Location: Kentucky
Last Modified: 04/06/2020 08:14 AM
I bought M15 # 616 from a retiree changing direction in his life moving to the world of RV'ing. Prior boats ranged from a MystereCat, to Sunfish, Island Packet 32, Flicka 20, SageCat, Horizon Cat(which we still sail), and now the Monty 15. I loved the sailing characteristics of the Sage, but could not live with the obtrusive raised dagger board while trying to overnight in the shallows. The M15 does not have that issue.
First sail is planned for the Florida 120 in May as Another Wrinkle is being prepped. Pandemic currently has interstate travel shutdown so may need to adapt to make it the Kentucky 120 on Kentucky Lake. Looking forward to years of enjoying our M15.
Boat Name: Another Wrinkle
Boat Type: Montgomery 15
Date Modified: 09/14/2017
Boat Name: Another Wrinkle
Boat Type: Montgomery 15
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Boat Name: Another Wrinkle
Boat Type: Montgomery 15
Date Modified: 02/21/2017
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